10/13 曲曲的課,筆記
Rubber Johnny 創作者Chris Cunningham有拍過碧玉Bjork的MV,目前人稱影像怪傑。Rubber Johnny是Chris Cunningham的多媒體作品而多於只是一齣DVD影片。
Rubber Johnny不獨是一套DVD,除這齣只有六分鐘的短片外,還有一本四十頁的畫冊,內含Cunningham的圖畫繪本,以及他的「肉體雕塑」攝影──那是一團隱若而似是非是地看到男性生殖器官(陰囊)與屁眼的扭曲畸型人體。那可以說,Rubber Johnny是Cunningham的「多媒體」習作,而多於只是一套短片。
Rubber Johnny所採用配樂,是Aphex Twin來自Drukqs專輯內節奏急疾的樂曲AFX. 27 V7;Rubber Johnny是英國俗語中的避孕套,Cunningham以此為影片命名,因為他覺得曲中的Bassline很「橡筋」聲。其實這本是Cunningham為Drukqs專輯炮製的三十秒電視廣告,然後他向Warp主腦Steve Beckett提出想多花數星期以拓成一個完整的MV──結果一做便足足整整一年,以作為他的週末興趣習作之進度,來製作這齣短片。
Rubber Johnny是他以DV拍攝(大多數是用夜視鏡)的影片。片中的Johnny是一名長著巨大額頭與腦袋而過度活躍的畸形孩子,被父親鎖在黑暗的地下室裡,與他為伴是一頭小狗以及他的狂想──多麼的病態題材。
在Rubber Johnny裡記載了Cunningham對人體與解剖學的興趣,但卻不是其前無古人之作。反之他對人體/胴體的捕捉,其實是Windowlicker、Afrika Shox以及Flex(拍得很美的男女舞蹈員身體)之引伸;而片中的小狗與輪椅,又像是Come On My Selector的延續。甚至整體上也不及昔日Come To Daddy和Windowlicker般震撼得叫人目瞪口呆。但影片的大前提,是他對聲畫同步的實驗。
Rubber Johnny:
Rubber Johnny is a 16 year old mutant. His ashamed, tv- obsessed redneck parents strapped him to a wheel chair and locked him in the basement. To entertain himself, little Johnny morphs in the darkness, his only companion being a terrified chihuahua.
Johnny is a hyperactive, shape-shifting mutant child, kept locked away in a basement. With only his feverish imagination and his terrified dog for company, he finds ways to amuse himself in the dark.
Rubber Johnny is the latest creation from the UK’s most imaginative filmmaker, Chris Cunningham. Featuring music by legendary electronic composer, Aphex Twin, this nightmarish and hallucinatory experimental short film is accompanied by 40 pages of drawings and photographs – Cunningham’s first published book of original artwork.
Chris Cunningham – one of the most influential filmmakers of the last decade – has been at the forefront of innovation and an inspiration for technological boundary-breaking world wide.
Cunningham first forged his relationship with Warp Records in 1995 with his debut promo “Second Bad Vibel” for Autechre, and since has directed a score of mind-bending videos for the likes of Squarepusher, Bjork, Madonna, Portishead and most memorably, Aphex Twin.
The creepily hilarious “Come to Daddy” (1997) and bootilicious “Windowlicker” (1999) Aphex videos have both been showered with accolades, but deemed too darkside for daytime MTV. However, his delicate hand on Bjork’s “All is Full of Love” (1999) sensual, milky robot promo won him the best breakthrough video MTV award and a Grammy nomination, as well as 4 silvers and the first ever Gold Award for a music video at the Design And Art Direction Awards.
Cunningham’s film making successes followed on from an accomplished career in feature films. He learnt his craft as an FX sculptor, designer and engineer on numerous feature films, which included working for David Fincher, Clive Barker and Stanley Kubrick.
In 2000, Cunningham created a video art installation “flex” for the Royal Academy of Art’s Apocalypse exhibition. His next two short films with Warp Films, “Rubber Johnny” and “Spectral Musicians” are scheduled for release on DVD in 2005.With much anticipation from his legion of fans, Cunningham is finally turning his attention to feature films and is currently developing a feature length script with Warp Films.
10/13 曲曲的課,筆記 Rubber Johnny 創作者Chris Cunningham有拍過碧玉Bjork的MV,目前人稱影像怪傑。Rubber Johnny是Chris Cunningham的多媒體作品而多於只是一齣DVD影片。
Rubber Johnny不獨是一套DVD,除這齣只有六分鐘的短片外,還有一本四十頁的畫冊,內含Cunningham的圖畫繪本,以及他的「肉體雕塑」攝影──那是一團隱若而似是非是地看到男性生殖器官(陰囊)與屁眼的扭曲畸型人體。那可以說,Rubber Johnny是Cunningham的「多媒體」習作,而多於只是一套短片。
聲畫同步的實驗 Rubber Johnny所採用配樂,是Aphex Twin來自Drukqs專輯內節奏急疾的樂曲AFX. 27 V7;Rubber Johnny是英國俗語中的避孕套,Cunningham以此為影片命名,因為他覺得曲中的Bassline很「橡筋」聲。其實這本是Cunningham為Drukqs專輯炮製的三十秒電視廣告,然後他向Warp主腦Steve Beckett提出想多花數星期以拓成一個完整的MV──結果一做便足足整整一年,以作為他的週末興趣習作之進度,來製作這齣短片。
Rubber Johnny是他以DV拍攝(大多數是用夜視鏡)的影片。片中的Johnny是一名長著巨大額頭與腦袋而過度活躍的畸形孩子,被父親鎖在黑暗的地下室裡,與他為伴是一頭小狗以及他的狂想──多麼的病態題材。
在Rubber Johnny裡記載了Cunningham對人體與解剖學的興趣,但卻不是其前無古人之作。反之他對人體/胴體的捕捉,其實是Windowlicker、Afrika Shox以及Flex(拍得很美的男女舞蹈員身體)之引伸;而片中的小狗與輪椅,又像是Come On My Selector的延續。甚至整體上也不及昔日Come To Daddy和Windowlicker般震撼得叫人目瞪口呆。但影片的大前提,是他對聲畫同步的實驗。
Rubber Johnny:
Rubber Johnny is a 16 year old mutant. His ashamed, tv- obsessed redneck parents strapped him to a wheel chair and locked him in the basement. To entertain himself, little Johnny morphs in the darkness, his only companion being a terrified chihuahua.
Synopsis Johnny is a hyperactive, shape-shifting mutant child, kept locked away in a basement. With only his feverish imagination and his terrified dog for company, he finds ways to amuse himself in the dark. Rubber Johnny is the latest creation from the UK’s most imaginative filmmaker, Chris Cunningham. Featuring music by legendary electronic composer, Aphex Twin, this nightmarish and hallucinatory experimental short film is accompanied by 40 pages of drawings and photographs – Cunningham’s first published book of original artwork.
Biography Chris Cunningham – one of the most influential filmmakers of the last decade – has been at the forefront of innovation and an inspiration for technological boundary-breaking world wide.
Cunningham first forged his relationship with Warp Records in 1995 with his debut promo “Second Bad Vibel” for Autechre, and since has directed a score of mind-bending videos for the likes of Squarepusher, Bjork, Madonna, Portishead and most memorably, Aphex Twin.
The creepily hilarious “Come to Daddy” (1997) and bootilicious “Windowlicker” (1999) Aphex videos have both been showered with accolades, but deemed too darkside for daytime MTV. However, his delicate hand on Bjork’s “All is Full of Love” (1999) sensual, milky robot promo won him the best breakthrough video MTV award and a Grammy nomination, as well as 4 silvers and the first ever Gold Award for a music video at the Design And Art Direction Awards.
Cunningham’s film making successes followed on from an accomplished career in feature films. He learnt his craft as an FX sculptor, designer and engineer on numerous feature films, which included working for David Fincher, Clive Barker and Stanley Kubrick.
In 2000, Cunningham created a video art installation “flex” for the Royal Academy of Art’s Apocalypse exhibition. His next two short films with Warp Films, “Rubber Johnny” and “Spectral Musicians” are scheduled for release on DVD in 2005.With much anticipation from his legion of fans, Cunningham is finally turning his attention to feature films and is currently developing a feature length script with Warp Films.